Happy Monday, everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful, meaningful Thanksgiving weekend and are enjoying the start to this crazy time that is the holiday season. In light of the fact that we are now "officially" immersed in one of the most wonderful and busiest time of the year, I thought today's theme should be perspective. To be more exact, I'd like to inspire each and every one of you to choose positivity today, this week, and beyond!
I will be the first to admit that Monday mornings can be rough, especially one that follows a wonderful long weekend full of food, family, and laughter. When I saw the above Monday-themed affirmation, it was an instant reminder that how I feel and how I approach the start of a week is all perspective. We all create our own realities. Mondays can be a stress-filled drag...or they can be exciting opportunities to achieve something great, set goals, and--best of all--start with a clean slate.
As we progress through this week, I challenge each of you to see the good in each morning and each day, no matter how small that one wonderful thing seems to be. It can be a as simple as being grateful that you woke up healthy and able to get out of bed. It may be the ability to enjoy a great cup of tea, or big bowl of fruit before heading out the door. It can be the smile that stranger gave you as you passed by on your way to work. Be an observer of your own thoughts and mood, and catch yourself when you sense an ounce of tension.
We get to choose our daily perspective. We can choose to be impatient, grumpy, or frustrated with the start to a new work week. Alternatively, we can elect to be optimistic that this week will be an adventure full of potential. What is the purpose of focusing on the negatives? Let's empower ourselves by fostering positive, clean, and thankful energy.
Surround yourself with uplifting mantras. For instance, you can spruce up your work space with a beautiful inspirational print. I love this one from The Village Press.
It is my earnest wish that each and every one of you have a fulfilling week. If you feel yourself getting down or stressed, take a step back to recharge your spirit. (Of course, we will always suggest taking a quiet moment and a cup of tea to bring back those positive vibes.) Remember that each day is an opportunity and a bright beginning. As you go to bed each night, remember this refreshing bit of wisdom from Anne Shirley in Anne of Green Gables: "Tomorrow is fresh, with no mistakes in it."
Day by day, week by week, let's make this our happiest, most productive, most uplifting month ever!
Posted by Erin Schwartz