Our friends at Craft-A-Brew have developed the tea beer recipe of your dreams! Using our Citrus Ginger Tea Drops and their Hefeweizen Homebrew Kit, they've come up with a Citrus Ginger Wheat Beer that is sure to impress all of your friends at the next summer BBQ!
How to brew a Citrus Ginger Wheat Beer:
What you’ll need:
- Citrus Ginger Tea Drops (3 drops for 1 gallon of beer)
- Craft a Brew’s Hefeweizen Homebrew Kit: https://craftabrew.com/products/starter-kit-hefeweizen
- A large stock pot & spoon (for brew day)
- Swing top bottles (for bottling day)
Brew your Hefeweizen per the included instructions:
- Bring a gallon of water to a boil in your stock pot. Once it reaches 155*F steep your grains for 15 min at a steady 155*.
- Remove & discard grains.
- Bring water to a boil. Once you see the first bubble, remove the pot from the burner & turn off.
- Stir in Malt Extract to dissolve. Once completely dissolved, return pot to burner and heat to medium-high.
- Once a slow rolling boil is achieved, add half of the hops to the pot & start a 60 minute timer.
- With 2 minutes left in the 60 minute boil, add the remaining hops to the pot.
- After the boil is finished, remove stock pot from burner. Add Tea Drops & stir to dissolve.
- Ferment & bottle your hefeweizen as usual, per the instructions!