(Featuring a beautiful snowy snapshot from Tea Drops Photography Ambassador, Shanda!)
The holidays are one of the happiest, most festive, and exciting times of the year. It's a time where old friend reunite, families gather from far off places, and everyone takes the time to relish in the company of those who mean the most to them. It's a season of presents, an endless supply of delicious food, and houses full of relatives and loved ones. While this is a recipe for absolute bliss, it is easy to get overwhelmed by all the hustle and bustle, the deadlines, and the responsibilities that come with playing host (or even just travelling!). We are here to give you some tips and tricks for beating the holiday stresses before they get you down. Here are some helpful ways to stay healthy and happy during one of the busiest yet special times of year.
Everything in Moderation
From eating to spending, it is so important to keep it all balanced during the holidays. It is easy and tempting to get carried away. At work, the festive plates of cookies and treats keep coming...and then on the weekends it's holiday dinners with family. This is also the season of one party after another and even a social drink can be one too many when you are attending a nonstop stream of functions.
Let's be honest. I think everyone treats themselves a little bit during this time of year. We enjoy beloved family recipes (as well we should!) and we always err on the generous side of our present-giving or travel budget. (I even put an extra bit of money towards decorating my home for the holidays because it's the first time I'll be hosting at my house.) It happens--we're human.
Setting a budget for everything is so helpful. In doing so, we can maintain a sense of control and perspective on what we are putting into our bodies and taking out of our bank accounts. For instance, elect to drink a glass of wine--think of the antioxidants in red wine--instead of a sugary holiday-themed cocktail. Balance out those cookies from work with a leaner dinner or add on extra time to your workout. Try writing down everything you're spending on gifts, travel, and entertaining so that you don't get a huge shock when you see your credit card bill or your bank account at the end of the month. All these little checkpoints can also help avoid the post-holiday blues that come with overindulgence in all things.
Take Time To Breathe
Whether you're planning your first holiday party or embarking on a cross-country journey to visit relatives, the holiday calls for activities that are bound to challenge your stamina, energy, and mental fortitude. It is so easy to get overwhelmed as the pressure to host the perfect dinner or make a connecting flight in a crowded airport in poor weather conditions make everything look bleak.
Try to perform small gestures to keep things in perspective. A gesture to a gratitude journal, write down one good thing that happens each day (amidst all the mishaps that are bound to come with this crazy time of year!) to keep your inspired and looking at the positive. Don't be afraid or feel guilty for taking time for yourself. Even the biggest social butterflies can feel overwhelmed by the multitudes of socializing and people that come with these winter months. It is okay to escape. Take a cup of tea, a good book, and some calming music with you to a safe and quiet place and allow yourself to recharge.
If you are traveling this winter, pack some comforting items to enjoy while you're on your flight or taking a break from your drive. We suggest perhaps slipping a couple Tea Drops into your carry-on or backpack, for instance, to keep on hand. Imagine how relaxing an hour in an airport terminal could potentially become when sipping on a cup of Sweet Peppermint tea. Remember that the journey is the experience and an arduous journey hope only means that getting to your final destination is all that much sweeter.
Just as the holidays are all about love and taking the time to spend this special season with those who mean the most to you, the things that can help you stay afloat and healthy (in mind, spirit, and body!) are simple and priceless, too. Here's to a happy, low-stress, and beautiful holiday season. We wish you happiness, warmth, and love during this time of year, from all of us at Tea Drops to you. Happy Holidays!
Posted by Erin Schwartz
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