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Instead of using the traditional pulling method, you can get a similar frothy effect with our Tea Drops Milk Frother!

try this recipe:
1. Melt Tea Drops in 8oz boiling water, stir to speed up process.
2. Add the tea mixture to a large jar or bottle and fill it up with cold water.
3. Refrigerate overnight.
4. The next day, strain the cold brew into a glass.
How to Make Cold Foam:
1. In a small cup, add the milk of your choice and a dash (or more) of pumpkin spice or seasoning that matches the chosen Tea Drop.
2. Froth milk mixture until it doubles in volume - becomes 1 cup of milk foam.
3. Pour slowly on top of your cold brew.
4. You can either mix the foam into the brew, or leave it on top to enjoy the frothy texture. Enjoy!
Watch how Teh Tarik or "Pulled Tea" is made in Malaysia!