Freya Estreller recently joined the Tea Drops Leadership team as our Head of Operations. Freya is no stranger to the food world -- prior to Tea Drops, she cofounded artisanal and fun Los Angeles based ice cream company, Coolhaus. Learn more about this amazing #girlboss here!
What 4 adjectives would your friends and family use to describe you?
Resourceful, resilient, reliable and RAD!
You’ve started a couple of your own companies, what do you like best about working in a startup environment?
I love being able to move quickly and make impactful decisions. It’s important to me that I can add value in a big way.
If you were stranded on a deserted island what are four items you’d bring with you and why?
Do people and pets count? I’d bring my wife Natasha, son Remy and our two dogs Ham and Scoobs.
What’s your favorite quote?
You can walk through a wall when you don’t know it’s there.
What’s your favorite Tea Drop?
Sweet Peppermint - it reminds me of a Turkish Mint Tea!