Welcome to our "Meet Team Tea Drops" Blog Series! We're going to introduce you to our team, week by week, so you can get a better idea of the ladies behind the #TeaMagic! Next up is Isabella, meet her below:
Name: Isabella Tejada
Hometown: Oxnard, CA
Role at Tea Drops: Marketing + Partnerships
Who is the person in your life who inspires you the most and why?
My dad! He’s the most genuine person you’ll ever meet. He gives everything and everyone a chance before he makes judgments and spreads positivity wherever he goes. The man is a true light! His work ethic is insane, too. He retired from his main job, but somehow still has two other jobs? I’ll never understand it. I also admire the way he approaches life with a sense of humor. He makes life less stressful and always makes me feel better.
What brings you happiness?
Humans who are kind and positive. I feel like it’s a cliche to say it, but there’s enough negative energy in the world as it is, so there’s no need to surround yourself by people who don’t bring positivity. My family and friends are those positive forces for me.
What keeps you motivated?
The aspect of trial and error with a little persistence thrown into the mix. Within my role, I get to experiment a lot and I get to be creative. A lot of times I have visions that don’t get executed as well as I planned. But, what truly motivates me is when my visions actually do come to life! I get to say, “Hey, that’s something that I created!” and that’s really motivating to me. I just want to keep trying and creating new things I’m proud of. Even if that means failing a little along the way!
What song do you play when no one is around?
Lately, Janet Jackson’s “When I Think of You” or “Escapade” because obviously my mom brought me up on the finest of bops. But, I do enjoy a good Baby Bash song every once in awhile. Cyclone always gets the party going.